
FREE Elder Law Workshop

March 3, 2025

Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC presents: Elder Law Workshop

March 13, 2025 at 11:00 a.m. VIRTUAL via GoToWebinar

Have you heard these myths about Elder Law and the Medicaid Long Term Care Program?

-The nursing home will “take” my home.

-I can protect my assets by adding my child’s name to them.

-Or, by transferring them to my child for $1.

-If I transfer my assets then I have to wait five years for care.

-Elder Law only helps people who need nursing home care, not care in their home.

Join this complimentary presentation to learn more about estate planning and elder law, with an emphasis on how these legal strategies can help older adults receive long-term care in their home.

Elder Law is an area of the law meant to guide any adult through lifetime planning, end of life planning, and asset protection planning, all of which we will discuss. We’ll focus our conversation on legal strategies to plan in advance for, and shelter assets from being depleted on, the cost of long-term care. (Yes, your estate plan can help with that!) This discussion will be just as helpful for participants who have a current need for long-term care in their home, or in a nursing home.

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Procino-Wells & Woodland, LLC helps families:

-Shelter assets from long term care costs

-Apply for Medicaid & VA long term care benefits

-Create Wills and Powers of Attorney

-Utilize Trusts for probate avoidance

-Administer their loved ones’ estates

-Preserve public benefits for persons with special needs

Your questions related to any of these topics are welcome.

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