9/11 to be observed at St. Jude the Apostle
For 17 years, the approach of Sept. 11 has brought memories of where people were and who they were with when they heard the awful news, saw the horrible scenes on TV, how people managed their fear, anger and grief, and how people turned to God. For those who lived through that tragic day, 9/11 is a day of not only sorrow and pain but also immense pride. It is an opportunity to honor and thank the thin blue line of law enforcement, fire personnel and all first responders.
On Tuesday, Sept. 11, people will gather in St. Jude The Apostle Church, 152 Tulip Drive, Lewes, at 8:46 a.m., the precise moment when the first jet struck the World Trade Center. In silence, the Knights of Columbus color corps will lead clergy to the altar; then, Mass will be celebrated for victims who died in New York City, Shanksville, Pa., and Washington, D.C. The patriotic hymns sung will express love for this country.
After the liturgy, congregants will process outside to lower Old Glory, hear the haunting sound of "Taps," and place a memorial wreath at the base of the flagpole. Next they will go into the hall for light refreshments. Jim Walls, who managed Amtrak trains on the East Coast that day, will speak about his experiences, and they will also pass the microphone for folks to share their stories.
All are welcome for this solemn celebration. Especially encouraged to attend are area first responders. For information contact 302-644-7300 or office@stjudelewes.org.