I found Pam Bounds’ column in the Feb. 14 edition to be a poor example of the values a community newspaper should espouse. Its negative tone and caustic criticism of her neighbors struck an especially sour note on Valentine’s Day, a day that is all about love!
Her text did not “share humorous and thoughtful observations” as the tagline to her column promises, but was instead a rambling litany of complaints. It certainly did not reflect the uplifting tone of other content the Gazette includes in the Cape Life section, where Bounds’ column appears. Look at that section: it features people helping people – food banks, volunteer organizations, a Speak Out Against Hate meeting – while Bounds’ column harshly attacks her neighbors and pits locals against newcomers. Even the headline of her column has a sarcastic, nasty tone: “Let’s talk about all these newcomers.”
My mother used to quote the old saying that “You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.” If Pam Bounds made an effort to engage in a positive way with her neighbors, rather than criticizing them in a public forum, she might have fewer complaints.
Meanwhile, if the Cape Gazette has space to fill in its Cape Life section, I suggest that it look to the many talented writers – yes, both locals and newcomers – who could provide a warmer, friendlier view of our communities.