
Brett is leader District 41 needs in Dover

October 29, 2024

I am writing this letter to support Tom Brett, the Democratic candidate for state representative for Delaware’s District 41 in Sussex County. 

Having moved to Millsboro from Worcester County, Md., just over a year ago and being familiar with state delegate campaigns, I can assure you that Tom will provide stable and trusted leadership. Tom can be accountable for solutions to current problems presented to all the constituents in Delaware’s District 41.

I can see that Tom’s experience in our military provides an excellent background that enables him to continue effective public service that will help all in southern Sussex County. With Tom as our District 41 leader, we’ll smoothly navigate the challenges we will all encounter in the years that remain in this decade.

As someone who served the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as a 2021 delegate to COP 26 at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Glasgow, Scotland, I am very familiar with the social, economic and political challenges humanity is facing in our current decade. 

I can confidently say that Tom Brett possesses the skills and the understanding to leverage the huge investments needed in renewable energy to confront the complex climate issue we face. Tom knows about the good education and high-paying jobs that we will need to help protect our wetlands, forests, open spaces, water and air quality for our children and grandchildren.

Vote and tell your neighbors to vote for Tom Brett as our District 41 representative! 

Tom is the representative that southern Sussex County deserves in Dover! Our future and that of our children and grandchildren will be more secure when he is elected to this office.

Larry Ryan
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