
Candidates a little too close for comfort

November 8, 2024

I have to agree with the editorial concerning the closeness of candidates to voters at the Midway early voting site. According to reports, it was even worse in Lewes. I commented to my wife while waiting in line that I thought the candidates were a little too close, but I wasn't sure of the exact wording of the law.

I now know that it's 50 feet from the balloting entrance. Because the site was in a shopping center, we were on a sidewalk leading up to the opening. Tables and representatives were lined up so close just off the sidewalk that I could have shaken hands with all of them.

To the candidates’ and volunteers’ credit, I saw no one approaching any potential voter to offer literature or advice. Everyone kept their distance, and the chatting that I heard was weather or turnout related. 

I believe the law should be amended, as suggested, to stipulate 50 feet away from the building, not 50 feet from the entrance to the polling station. I know this is Delaware and we are all friendly folks, but that was just a little too cozy for me.

Pat Henry
Rehoboth Beach


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