Catholic Diocese of Wilmington announces new youth and family life minister
The Catholic Diocese of Wilmington’s Catholic Education Department has announced that Pamela Urbanski has joined as its associate director of the Office for Catholic Youth, Young Adult Ministry and Family Life.
In her new role, Urbanski will support pastors and parish youth leaders in assisting youth, young adults and families to become active in church life, mission and ministries.
Her duties include oversight of diocesan youth activities, including the Diocesan Youth Leadership Team, the annual youth pilgrimage, and the March for Life. Urbanski will coordinate the diocesan response to the needs of young adults including Theology on Tap and the Diocesan Committee for Young Adults.
Urbanski holds a bachelor of arts degree in professional studies with a minor in religious studies from Misericordia University in Dallas, Pa.
Urbanski joins the Catholic Education Department after serving as director of youth and young adult ministry at St. Jude Catholic Church in Mountain Top, Pa. In that role, she developed, coordinated and implemented comprehensive youth ministry programs within the parish and led youth in various capacities, most especially in youth service programs and rallies for 700-plus high school students and young adult leaders.
“We are blessed to welcome Pam to our team,” said Dr. Louis De Angelo, secretary for the Catholic Education Department and superintendent of Catholic Schools. “Her expertise, knowledge, and enthusiasm will help us in our ministry to youth, young adults and families.”
Urbanski said, “My experience in working in youth ministry over the last 15 years will allow me to help youth leaders within parishes empower the young church to live as followers of Jesus Christ, to know what it is to be Catholic, and to embrace their Catholic faith.”