
County council should reconsider US Wind decision

January 31, 2025

Sussex County Council, on behalf of all of us who voted for and support you, please reconsider and rescind the Dec. 17 rejection of US Wind’s proposal to build a substation in Dagsboro for Maryland’s wind turbines.

Providing this substation will give us access to the electricity from their turbines. This electricity, which we all need, is renewable and pro-business as well as pro-people. It is power that provides us with clean air, cleaner water and earth, and healthier animals, plants and people. We all know climate change is real and renewable power rather than burning fossil fuels will greatly help allay disaster. With wind power, there will be new jobs that require change. Many tourists looking out at our ocean will be delighted to be treated to our healthy choice. They might also find the moving turbines, which will look like toothpicks, fascinating and hardly bothersome.

We might even be tempted to become a leader in discovering and exporting our natural renewables – lots of wind power, lots of sun power and even water power in waves!

There are those who benefit financially from our heavy use of burning fossil fuels. For them, US Wind’s proposal is anti-business. They have money and power. They can change. You can too.

Nettie Green
Rehoboth Beach


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