
Epworth UMC to host Earth Day activities April 27-28

April 21, 2019

Mark the calendar now for Earth Day activities Saturday and Sunday, April 27 and 28, at Epworth United Methodist Church, 19285 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach. The weekend will include outdoor activities Saturday morning, and inside activities on Sunday. On Saturday, anyone who likes to garden is welcome to come join in. There is also a group forming to clean up Holland Glade Road. Then, from noon to 6 p.m., there will be food trucks including Hot Dogs at the Beach, Delicious Craving, The Polish Connection, and The Corn Exchange, so bring an appetite and lawn chair.

On Sunday, there will be indoor displays and exhibitors from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., with a focus this year on Weaning Ourselves Off Plastics. A Plastic Free Parkway will demonstrate earth-friendly alternatives to single-use plastics. Exhibitors will include the MERR Institute, Plastic Free Delaware, Delaware Solid Waste Authority, Delaware Interfaith Power and Light, Blume Roundup, Delaware State Parks, and Sierra Club. Admission is free. Gail Gingrich will be on hand to show how reusable tote bags can be made from animal feed bags. Groups have been formed, working at the church, to assemble and sew the totes from cleaned and sterilized feed bags. Bags will also be available for purchase that day.

Also on Sunday, Jennifer Biddle, an associate professor from the College of Earth, Ocean, & Environment at the University of Delaware, will be the guest speaker at the 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. services. She will address “Rethinking Some Things with an Environmental Perspective.”

Epworth UMC is a church Exploring Faith and Embracing Community; truly practicing open doors, open minds, and open hearts as a member of the Reconciling Ministry Network, and includes American Sign Language services. To learn more about Epworth, go to

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