Epworth UMC to host Easter Egg Hunt April 13
Epworth United Methodist Church’s Family Ministry will sponsor a Community Easter Egg Hunt from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Saturday, April 13, at the church, 19285 Holland Glade Road, Rehoboth Beach. More than 2,200 eggs stuffed with treats by Epworth’s Women In God’s Service group have been hidden in two separate areas – one for children ages 2-4, and one for children ages 5-10. The event will also include games, crafts, face painting, and a visit from the Easter Bunny. Available food from thekitchen@epworth will include hot dogs, chips, and drinks during the event.
Many people ask, “How can a church hold an Easter Egg Hunt? Isn’t Easter supposed to be all about the resurrection of Jesus Christ?”
There is a simple answer. The egg is a symbol of new life just as Jesus is the symbol of life eternal. Epworth has a short video on “The Importance of the Egg” on its website that helps explain the reason for the Easter egg.
Go to www.eumcrb.org/2019-easteregg and watch it with the kids. To learn more about Epworth UMC, go to www.eumcrb.org.