First responders visit Mariner Middle School
Students learn about police, firefighters, K-9 service dogs, paramedics
November 15, 2023
Mariner Middle School teemed with outside activity the morning of Nov. 9, when a gathering of first responders assembled to give students a glimpse into their roles serving the community.
School resource officer Josh Hackney coordinated the event, which included representatives from Delaware State Police’s Troop 7, motorcycle, K-9 and crash reconstruction units; Delaware Natural Resources Fish and Wildlife and K-9 units; U.S. Coast Guard; Milton Fire and Police Departments; Newark Police Department and Capitol Police.
Students traveled in groups to stations set up along the athletic fields to learn about each responder’s responsibilities and the career training they needed to earn their positions.
DSP Cpl. Jennifer Potocki told students she is a paramedic who also operates the helicopter’s infrared and color cameras and its powerful search light.
Retired Cape district administrator Mike Dmiterchik returns to school as a volunteer to help. Dmiterchik is with students (l-r) M'Kiyah Bellamy-Hicks, Lydia Blizzard and Allison Ortiz-Rivera.
While the K-9 gets ready for the demo, students (l-r) Chloe Maloney, Baylie Anderson and Abby Hoeller have time for a little goofing around.
Portraying a criminal and wearing a heavily padded protective suit, Natural Resources Police Cpl. Corey Spencer, left, reacts as K-9 Leo, handled by Cpl. Trevor Ditmore, participates in a bite-and-hold exercise. Ditmore said he and his 7-year-old German Shepherd partner spend a lot of time at school programs and camps.