
Flood’s Biden column seems small-minded

January 28, 2025

How sad it is that Chris Flood can only comment on the fact that former President Biden never granted the local media an interview. I understand what a professional coup such an interview would have been for him and/or his colleagues, but really? Flood can't come up with anything else to say?

What about the incredible boost to the local economy the Bidens’ presence gave? How about the singular lack of privacy for the family as a result of this presence? And, oh yes, what about the 50-plus years of service the man gave to our country?

Everyone is entitled to his/her opinion about former President Biden, of course. But whether one likes him or not, whatever one's politics are, it seems very small-minded to me that Flood's only comment was a whine that he didn't get a chance to interview the former president.

Suzanne Crager


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