
Hoey Stevenson has vast knowledge of state’s inner workings

October 29, 2024

I am writing in support of my friend, Kim Hoey Stevenson, who is running for state Senate. I met Kim when our daughters were little and have known her through their graduation from Cape to the present. We share the bond of being moms who care deeply about children’s lives and the community we live in.

Kim is a genuinely good human being who is uniquely poised for this position given her vast knowledge of the inner workings of local and state leadership. She is an experienced journalist who long covered court hearings for county and local government, and served on the Sussex County Zoning & Planning Commission. She is frustrated by the reality that the state and county are often in opposition with one another. For example, the state makes all decisions regarding our local roadways, traffic lights, roundabouts, etc. Our county does not have input into these decisions. Kim, now understanding this, knows she needs to work at the state level in order to effect change for Sussex County.  

Honest, forthright, open-minded, energetic and deeply kind, Kim always goes above and beyond to help not just a friend or neighbor, but also a person in need. Her compassion and, perhaps most importantly, willingness to act upon that compassion is a rare trait.  But just because she is kind does not mean that she does not stand up to those who seek to take advantage of her fellow Sussex Countians. She has indeed gone head to head with developers motivated strictly by greed. If you examine her voting record, you will see she voted in opposition to others on the planning & zoning commission when unwise development was put forth.

Essential infrastructure is a priority for Kim – ability to access high-quality healthcare in a timely manner, access to quality public education, safety when driving on our overburdened roadways. Kim believes that this essential infrastructure should be in place before new development occurs, not as a to-do item scheduled for five years down the road. 

Kim cares deeply about the public education afforded to our children and youth. She is a former public school teacher and currently runs Cape Henlopen School District’s mentoring program; young, developing minds will always remain a priority for Kim.  

She welcomes challenging conversations and is open-minded. I am a Democrat and Kim is a Republican. Despite our differing political affiliations, we have had many deep talks regarding social issues over the years of our friendship and always find common ground. Her innate ability to reach across the aisle can only serve us well in this time of divisiveness. 

Kim is fiscally conservative; she supports small businesses and property rights. Kim also supports the rights of the LGBTQ community; prioritizes public education; stands up to unwise overdevelopment; maintains the need for open space, clean beaches and environmental sustainability; and cares deeply about human rights. She has the energy, passion and wisdom to advocate for us, and I trust her with my vote.

Millicent Jones


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