The home at the corner of Cave Neck Road and Route 1 was demolished March 28. It was the last remaining structure of what was once a complex comprising old barns, a popular barbecue food truck, a produce stand and an outdoor furniture and shed business.
Demolition of all but the century home occurred in January. The buildings were razed and the businesses moved to make way for a development project called Chappell Farm. The plan includes 128 apartment units in four 15,040-square-foot buildings and 23,790 feet of commercial space with a service road, amenities, parking and stormwater management facilities along Route 1 and Cave Neck Road.
First approved in June 2021, a conditional use for the multifamily component of the project was set to expire this past June because county code says work must be started within three years or the conditional use is no longer valid. County code also allows for one six-month extension, which was granted. That extension expired late last year.
In March 2021, Delaware Department of Transportation’s Division of Cultural Resources conducted an on-site survey of the property in advance of significant road improvements to the intersection of Route 1 and Cave Neck Road. The report says the two-story house was built around the 1910s.
The property is an example of a late 19th and early 20th century agricultural complex with multiple agriculture-associated structures that have been constructed throughout the years, reads the report.
In recent months, the property was listed for sale for $9.95 million with Jack Lingo Realtor. The listing describes the property as a “rare opportunity” to purchase a site with an approved plan containing both commercial and residential units.