
It’s worth visiting Fort Miles Museum

January 3, 2025

On the Friday after Christmas, my wife Lorrie and I took a short ride out to Cape Henlopen State Park. We saw that the Fort Miles Museum was open, and since we had never been to the museum in any of our times at the park, we decided to check it out.

Our timing was perfect, as a guided tour was about to start. For the bargain price of $6 per person, we joined about 12 other folks to learn about Fort Miles. Our guide, Rachel Wilson, was phenomenal. She took us on a fact-filled, one-hour trip back into history.

The many artifacts on display kept everyone visually engaged. Rachel’s demonstrations of various military components showed how impressive our defense system was in protecting the vital entrance to the Delaware Bay and River. She spoke about how the facility was built, utilized and turned into the present-day museum. Spoiler alert – at the end there is a simulation of one of the big guns in action. After what seemed to be only minutes, the tour was finished, and we were free to explore more of the museum and grounds at our own pace. The entire staff throughout the building was friendly and willing to answer any questions.

Some social media sites have people asking for suggestions of things to do in our coastal area. Those who have an interest in local history should take the time to visit Fort Miles within Cape Henlopen State Park.

John McCartney
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