
Lewes trick-or-treat time should change back

November 8, 2024

The following letter was sent to Lewes Mayor and City Council and Lewes Police Department with a copy provided to the Cape Gazette for publication. 

Living on Kings Highway, let me go on record saying I love Lewes' Halloween celebration. I think closing Kings Highway, since it is a destination spot, is prudent! My concern is the change of hours and how that decision was made and communicated. 

Very few of my immediate neighbors knew of the change prior to the Lewes Police Department’s Facebook post the day before Halloween, when candy had already been bought (around 1,000 pieces for me, costing somewhat less than $200). I learned about the change from Facebook. An older neighbor who lives off of Kings Highway said she saw it in the paper, but she reads the Cape Gazette consistently from front to back. Neighbors who work ended up taking off work early to try to accommodate the unexpected new hours. No one who lives close to me was asked for input about the time change. Had I been asked, I would have said 6 to 8 p.m. is perfect! It gives people time to eat dinner and then get ready for the festivities after work.

Can we return to that time frame? Why was it changed? How did you elicit feedback and how was it communicated to the people involved in a thorough and timely manner?

I look forward to many more Halloweens in Lewes. You have to know that the many people who participate on Kings Highway making it fun for the kids and their parents deserve to be asked about any changes long before it happens. I recognize that I am not in control of all decisions, but I certainly deserve thorough advance notice when a change is going to be or has been made.

Kathy C. Edwards


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