
Milton Elementary first-graders host leader day publishing party

February 15, 2023

Milton Elementary School first-graders hosted their first leader event Jan. 24 in the form of a publishing party.

Students invited family members and friends, and had the opportunity to not only present to their guests, but to their classmates as well. Students spent nine weeks reading, researching and writing about wild and endangered animals. Milton Elementary students are continuously learning that they all can be leaders and they all have their own genius.

When selecting a leadership role for the event, each student was encouraged to think about and consider their individual strengths. Leader roles included greeters and program passers, program artists, directors, English speakers, Spanish speakers, Arabic speaker, Chinese speaker and cleanup crew. Students led the entire event and showed pride in their work, and their guests were all amazed at their performance and leadership skills.


Photo IDs:

photo 1 - Emmy Mazzei

photo 2 - Linden Sanford

photo 3 - Luis Ozuna

photo 4 - Greisy Gonzalez-Garcia and Cameron Reifsnyder

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