
Most elected officials don’t do it for money

February 28, 2025

Last Friday, I was stopped on Rehoboth Avenue by a local TV reporter to comment on Suzanne Goode’s proposed compensation increase for the Rehoboth Beach mayor and commissioners.

For the record, I lived in downtown Rehoboth Beach between 2019 and 2022, returned to the area about a month ago and live in Dewey Beach.

As I understand it, the rationale for the proposed compensation increase was the number of meetings the mayor and commissioners are involved with and the ability to attract the most-qualified candidates for these positions.

First off, these are voluntary positions, and I believe those who fill them are driven by the opportunity to make a contribution to one of the great seaside communities in the country. I really don’t think compensation comes into play at all in their desire to serve in these roles. As far as attracting the best-qualified candidates, these positions are coveted, and I would suggest Suzanne reflect on her own journey in attaining a seat at the table.

Wherever this situation lands, I would recommend compensation for the mayor and commissioners be in the form of gift certificates that are used at downtown Rehoboth Beach restaurants and other businesses.

Rick Winston
Dewey Beach
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