
News Briefs 3/18/25

March 18, 2025
Prescribed burning planned at Bombay Hook, Prime Hook

The the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced that approximately 80 acres of invasive phragmites in Bombay Hook and Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuges, adjacent to Bear Swamp Pool and Prime Hook Road, will be burned in the coming weeks. The burns will take place on one weekday at each refuge between March 18 and April 20, contingent upon optimal burn conditions.

This year’s burns will help counteract undesired nonnative plant species and remove accumulated wildland hazardous fuels. Prescribed burning is an effective and cost-efficient method to accomplish these objectives, and trained specialists will conduct the burns.

The Bear Swamp Loop will be closed to the public on the day burning activities take place, but the Prime Hook Road burn should not affect public access to open areas of the refuge. 
Weather conditions such as rainfall and wind speed/direction will determine when the burning occurs. The Refuge Complex Facebook page and websites will be updated frequently to inform the public on burn plans.

Bombay Hook NWR is just off Route 9 near Leipsic at 2591 Whitehall Neck Road, Smyrna. Prime Hook NWR is just off Route 16 near Broadkill Beach at 11978 Turkle Pond Road, Milton. For more information, call 302-653-9345 or go to

Lewes planners to meet March 19

The Lewes Planning Commission will meet at 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, March 19, at the Rollins Center.

The agenda includes discussion and possible action regarding the proposed home occupation ordinance.

See the full agenda and meeting link at

Lewes historic preservation group to meet March 19, 21

The Lewes Historic Preservation Architectural Review Commission will hold two special meetings to discuss the draft of its updated standards and guidelines, and online application.

The meetings will both begin at 1 p.m., Wednesday, March 19 and Friday, March 21, at the Rollins Center.

See the agendas and meeting links at

Lewes African American groups to meet March 20

The Lewes Johnnie Walker Beach Subcommittee will meet at 5 p.m., Thursday, March 20, at city hall.

The Lewes African American Heritage Commission will meet at 6 p.m. in the same location.

Both groups will discuss a presentation for the mayor and council workshop set for Thursday, March 27.

See both agendas and meeting links at

Dewey council public hearing set March 21

Dewey Beach Town Council will hold a public hearing at 3 p.m., Friday, March 21, at the Dewey Lifesaving Station.

The hearing concerns an application submitted by Emily McCauley of the Atlantic Oceanside Hotel for a temporary expansion of premise for the Bike to the Beach event, set for Friday, June 20.

Find the meeting link at

Rehoboth-Dewey chamber awards luncheon set March 20

The Rehoboth Beach-Dewey Beach Chamber of Commerce will host its annual Board Installation & Awards Luncheon at 12 p.m., Wednesday, March 20, at The Cambria Hotel, 17211 Hood Road off Route 24 north of Rehoboth Beach.

The chamber will install its 2025 board of directors members, and present annual business and volunteer awards along with special recognitions. These will include the 2025 Mae Hall McCabe Award – Mike Meoli and The Meoli Companies; 2024 Business of the Year Award – Woody’s Dewey Beach; 2025 Cheryl Blackman Volunteer of the Year Award – Pam McCutcheon; and 2025 Town of Dewey Beach Volunteer of the Year Award – Patrice Gancie. Those planning to attend should reserve their seat online at, or contact Kate VanVorst at or 302-227-2233, Ext. 11.

Henlopen Acres tree panel meets March 21

The Henlopen Acres Tree Committee will meet at 10 a.m., Friday, March 21, at town hall, 104 Tidewaters. The agenda includes discussions on developing a list of recommended locations for fall 2025 town tree plantings and the recommended tree budget, and an update on an Urban and Community Forestry Grant from Delaware Forest Service for a survey of town trees.

For more information, call town hall at 302-227-6411 or go to

Rehoboth Beach commissioners to meet March 21

Rehoboth Beach commissioners will meet at 2 p.m., Friday, March 21, in city hall, 229 Rehoboth Ave. 

The agenda calls for consideration and adoption of the budget for Fiscal Year 2026, which begins April 1.

A full agenda, meeting materials and a livestream are accessible at Only in-person attendees may make comments. 

For more information, contact the city at 302-227-6181 or

Delaware State alums set chat and chew April 1

The Delaware State University Alumni Association Inc. Sussex County Chapter will host a chat and chew event at 7 p.m., Tuesday, April 1, at Nicola Pizza, 17323 Ocean One Plaza, Lewes. 

To learn more, email Adrian Selby LeBlanc at, or text or call Shorel Clark at 302-236-1901.

Chamber to host job fair April 3 in Georgetown

In partnership with the Bethany-Fenwick Area Chamber of Commerce, Sussex Central High School will host a job fair from 5 to 7 p.m., Thursday, April 3, in the gymnasium at 26026 Patriots Way, Georgetown. The event is free and open to the public, with the purpose to connect the business community to an available workforce both in the school and the community at large. Business registration fees directly support the college and career office at Indian River High School. To learn more, go to


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