No, we are not all related but we like how our lives intersect
Kobe, you ain’t cool! - How cool can you be when your dad is named Jellybean? Kobe may be a one-name wonder with sound recognition around the world. He is gifted, generous, smart, multilingual, sophisticated, a hard worker and tenacious competitor, and so much better than LeBron James it isn’t even close. Kobe, in my opinion, is as good as Michael Jordan, and there will be a later argument that Kobe may be the most complete offensive open court player ever. And yet personally with no good reason I just can’t stand the guy, and it has nothing to do with Colorado. It proves that sometimes we are put off by people for stupid reasons like how they chew gum or their air of arrogance and self-importance.
Big Babies - Too much money and attention spoils the best of people, giving them privileges unearned and a skewed sense of their own importance. I stopped liking the Flyers when defenseman Chris Pronger told a room full of reporters, ”I don’t care what you guys write; good or bad I don’t read any of it anyway.” He was telling a room filled with professionals who bring the gas that fuels the flow of money that what they did for a living was basically meaningless and stupid, not socially beneficial like ramming people into glass while on skates wearing funny pants and a helmet.
Jennifer Hockrein - This 40-year-old recent racer but longtime runner from Charlottesville, Va., bested the field of women at last Saturday’s Blue-Gold race in Lewes in a time of 20:34, just ahead of 21-year-old Kari Putterman at 20:46 and Sara Putterman at 20:50. “I’ve been running for 20 years but just began racing three years ago,” Jennifer said. “I train on the track once a week with the Ragged Mountain Running Club and do a long run on the weekends. I average about 35 total miles a week.” Jennifer is a retired financial analyst and married with two young children.
Snippets - Camps for Gramps! I need a camp chart for the sports pages, maybe by next week. In the meantime, Penn State just conducted a fantasy full-contact flag camp with people between the ages of 37 and 67. According to a press release, “When players came off the field following the pregame warm-up, legendary Penn State coach Joe Paterno was waiting in the locker room to offer some words of advice as kickoff approached. He posed for individual photos, signed autographs and told the men, “Be careful out there, and have a great time.”
Why do I feel sad; people can spend their money any way they want, but talk about exploitation. The Yetzer wrestling clinic will be held this weekend at Cape Henlopen High School. The clinic is from 6 to 8:30 p.m., Friday and Saturday, June 18 and 19, and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. Nate Yetzer is the assistant wrestling coach at Virginia Tech; he is back at Cape for the third year. He is bringing with him two-time Delaware state champion and 2010 NCAA All-American Chris Diaz. The clinic is open to all ages and will show basic and advanced techniques. The cost of the clinic is only $50. If you have questions contact coach Chris Mattioni at 249-6457. Here is information on Coach KK’s first of many summer camps to lift off: Boys Lacrosse Camp at Rehoboth Elementary, 9 a.m.-noon, July 5-9, grades 1-10; Girls Lacrosse Camp at Rehoboth Elementary, 9 a.m.-noon, July 5-9, grades 1-10; Girls Field Hockey Summer League at Cape, 3-5 p.m., Wednesdays, July 7-Aug. 4, grades 1-4, 5-9 and 9-adult. I’m thinking of opening a fantasy camp; you tell me your fantasy and I’ll tell you if you need therapy.