Regional Quaker meeting to explore Creation Stewardship Oct. 21
Quakers from Salisbury, Easton, and Chestertown, Md.,Camden and Lewes Meetings will gather for a regional meeting Sunday, Oct. 21, at 1 p.m. The feature presentation is open to the public. John Groutt, a coordinator of the Wicomico Interfaith Partners for Creation Stewardship, will discuss “Creation Stewardship: Reflecting and Acting on Faith Beliefs.” Connections between the Quaker tradition and the philosophical underpinnings of WIPCS will be explored. A new “green burial” initiative will be described. A question-and-answer period follows.
Groutt holds a Ph.D. from Temple University in religion and social sciences. He is a founding member of the Wicomico Environmental Trust. He was director of Upward Bound at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore for 27 years. He and his wife Kathy are attenders of the Wicomico River Society of Friends (Quakers), which is the meeting sponsoring the gathering. The Meeting House is located at 519 Dykes Road, Salisbury.
For directions and information go to
WIPCS is a group of over 30 faith congregations, environmental organizations, and individuals who meet to reflect, dialogue and act as congregations, organizations, and individuals on shared moral commitments to protect created environment.