Rehoboth Elementary holds food drive for Caroling on The Circle
Rehoboth Elementary has been hosting a holiday food drive for several years, and this year’s has proven to be one of the most successful.
“This year as a school, we collected 2,676.8 pounds of nonperishable food,” said Scott Pierce, Rehoboth Elementary teacher. “That is 486.4 pounds more than we collected last year.”
The purpose of the drive is to collect items for the Sussex County Council Food Drive as part of Georgetown’s Caroling on The Circle event that takes place each winter during the holiday season. Students in Pierce’s class help with organizing and promoting the food drive throughout November. Students’ families and staff all contribute to the event.
“Each year, we recognize the classroom that brought in the most weight in food,” said Pierce. “This year, the top four classes were all within 13 pounds of each other, but Keri Mitchell’s second-grade class had the most with a total of 262.8 pounds.”
The public can continue to donate items directly to the County Administrative Offices through Tuesday, Dec. 31.