
Running through the fight against cancer

July 19, 2022

Several weeks ago, I was diagnosed with cancer by the Beebe Oncology Services team at Tunnell Cancer Center. Prior to my diagnosis, I had been feeling a bit off. I am health-conscious and committed to my personal fitness, but I knew something just wasn’t right. Lots of tests had led me to the cancer center, but anyone who has ever received a cancer diagnosis can understand when I say I was shocked.

My husband Tim and I took a deep breath and decided to go to Sloane Kettering for a second opinion. We were pleased that both oncology teams were on the same page with my diagnosis and treatment – and now I know it’s my time to fight. My formal diagnosis is Stage 4 Classic Hodgkins Lymphoma Mixed Cellularity Subtype. I know it’s a mouthful, but it is treatable. And I’m being treated right here at home.

As a member of the Beebe Medical Foundation Board of Ambassadors, and because I’ve had friends go through cancer treatments at Beebe, I always knew we had an amazing team at Beebe Oncology Services. I am now experiencing this excellent care firsthand.

I do have a tough road ahead of me, but I’m confident that I will beat this. For the next six months, I will be hoping and praying that I do not have complications. And at midnight on Dec. 31, I intend to ring in 2023 cancer free! The amount of love and support I have received from friends and family has been incredible. And the excellent care I receive from the nurses and doctors at Beebe Oncology Services is truly amazing.

Fitness continues to be such an important part of my life, and a few weeks into treatment, I participated in the annual Beebe Heroes 5K Run & Walk at Irish Eyes. It was good for my soul to run in support of this great organization, and to be among Beebe team members and leadership. Twenty-four hours prior to the race, my hair started coming out in handfuls. It was much harder mentally/emotionally than I expected, but my family and I got up early, and we were all out the door by 6:50 a.m. (on a Sunday!) to run the Beebe Heroes 5K.

I was able to run the first mile with my stepdaughter, Ashlyn, and I finished the last 2.1 miles doing a run/walk – but I sprinted across the finish line! It was great to see so many people out supporting our Beebe doctors and nurses – true heroes. I want to thank Beebe for being there for me. Thanks also to my entire support system, including Sara Carter and Jennifer Kaufmann, who also came out to run, and Rita Williams, who was at the finish line! I love this community, and I am grateful for excellent care at Beebe more and more each day!

As a community-based, not-for-profit healthcare system, Beebe Healthcare depends on the generous support of the community it serves. To make a gift to celebrate the excellent care you or a loved one has received, visit Beebe Medical Foundation at or call 302-644-2900. Want to share your story? Contact Amanda Neal at

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