
Sussex’s wolf in sheep’s clothing

October 18, 2024

Fellow Sussex County residents, it is high time we exercise our power at the ballot box to put an end to our irresponsible local government that has overseen and legislated the unsafe, explosive growth of our beautiful county.  

Mark Schaeffer is a career politician with deep connections to developers. He’s proven that he can’t be impartial regarding Sussex County’s development decisions despite his efforts to now portray himself as the anti-sprawl candidate and the guardian of the environment. In fact, as a former developer himself, he has been pro-development since he first took public office.  

During Schaeffer’s tenure on county council, Sussex County has experienced unprecedented and debilitating growth with little concern for the safety, security and overall quality of life for all Sussex County residents. The 2024 Annual Report on State Planning Issues shows that during Schaeffer’s three years in office, Sussex County has issued 14,590 residential building permits with nearly 1 in 4 issued in Level 4, aka sprawl. About 86% of Level 4 area development in the state is happening in Sussex County. Level 4 development areas are where there is a long-term burden of constructing infrastructure and providing public services, and the loss of natural land.

Soon, Sussex County must begin to review its comprehensive land-use plan. Of special interest to District 3 residents is the Route 1 corridor from Lewes to Milford. Developers have pushed for years to have high-density development approved on the east side of Route 1. Remember the 800,000-square-foot Overbrook Town Center proposed on the east side of Route 1 at Cave Neck Road?  

During Schaeffer’s current term, despite the 2018 comprehensive land-use plan designating the entire east side of the corridor for low-density development, developers, with Councilman Schaeffer’s support, proposed again to change the land use east of Route 1 to allow high-density development. Mr. Anti-Sprawl Schaeffer, strongly supported by developers, was one of only two to vote in favor of allowing high-density development on almost 300 acres of active farmland bordering on the Great Marsh, one of the most critically important natural features in Delaware and on the East Coast.  

Now, in an election year, has Schaeffer actually had an epiphany and become anti-sprawl and anti-growth? He’s had no epiphany, which is why he must not be re-elected. His record proves he cannot be trusted to control growth, protect the environment or defend residents' quality of life.  

His opponent in the race for District 3 council, Jane Gruenebaum, will not support high-density development east of Route 1. She does not want eastern Sussex to resemble Ocean City. She will propose legislation to protect the wetlands, the ecology and the natural beauty of our county. She will fight to support responsible growth with infrastructure leading the way and not trailing. Mark Schaeffer has already shown that his priorities lie with developers and high-density development, no matter the cost to the environment or our safety and security. Vote Jane for change.

Dominick Scott


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