The adoption of an adequate public facilities ordinance is the only solution to this terrible quality-of-life dilemma created by legislators who either don’t care or are simply in the dark about what they are creating.
In many growth areas, the conundrum of balancing satisfactory facilities with development has been regulated by such an ordinance.
Roads, schools, medical facilities, natural habitats, air quality, noise and water quality became critical issues for the health and well-being of cities and towns. Except for Sussex County.
Our two other counties, New Castle and Kent, successfully adopted APFOs many years ago.
One can only wonder why our council won’t even put this up for a vote of the people.
The Cape Gazette needs to research and cover this about-time idea before it’s too late to save this nice lifestyle we all enjoy, and Sussex County becomes what many of us left behind – unendurable traffic, overcrowded schools, crime, air and water pollution, etc., as well as all God’s creatures chased into oblivion due to the massive deforestation.
It can no longer be accepted as normal and unsolvable.