In honor of Earth Day, the Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware will present the documentary, “The Human Element,” at 7 p.m., Friday, May 8. The film will be presented through Zoom videoconferencing and is open to the public.
To register and obtain the Zoom login information, email There will be a discussion following the film.
“The Human Element” is a documentary film produced by Olivia Ahnemann and James Balog, an Earth Vision Film. This film is recommended by Interfaith Power and Light. The film captures the lives of everyday Americans who are on the front lines of climate change. It recognizes that humans are a force of nature and at the same time human activities alter the basic elements of life – earth, air, water and fire. Altering those elements also changes human life. With compassion and heart, “The Human Element” calls viewers to reevaluate their relationship with the natural world.
Mac Goekler, co-chair of UUSD’s Social and Environmental Justice Committee, said, “The threat from climate change does not go away with COVID-19. This documentary compels us to rethink how we balance humans with the natural world.”
UUSD is a welcoming and progressive spiritual community with a mission to nurture spiritual growth, embrace diversity, work for justice, and strive for a loving world. For more information, go to or contact Mac and Susan Goekler at