Gearing up for the Fall in De Shore Field Hockey
21th Annual
First (some K accepted) through Sixth grades
Includes Winter Indoor League and Summer Outdoor League!
Milton Elementary School Gym
Grades 1-3 12:30 pm to 1:30 pm
Grades 4-6 1:35 pm to 2:35 pm
U12 and U14 travel teams 2:40 to 3:45 pm
Dates (Sunday): 9/9, 9/16, 9/23, 9/30, 10/7, 10/14, and 10/21
Instruction includes both skills development and games.
Come and enjoy the fun!
Register your daughter (or son)
2018-2019 now for $300 ($60 discount)
Registration includes three programs: fall instruction program 2018, winter indoor league in 2019, and summer league in 2019.
Separate pricing for instruction, indoor and summer league is also available when registering at $120 per program.
You must be a current member of the United States Field Hockey
Equipment needed: Mouth Guard, Shin Guards, Stick.
DE Shore will supply mouth guard, gloves (to new players), shirts and shorts (to new players)
On-Line Registration is at
Go to the ‘REGISTER HERE PAGE’ to get registered!
Instruction provided by Mike ‘Ike” Eisenhour, long time local coach and umpire, USFHA coach, Past Futures coach and past Regional Coaching Director. Assisted by his staff of experienced coaches and players.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS SEPT. 1st. NO WALK-IN REGISTRATION. Call 302-236-4265 if you have questions about the program or the registration process.
Registration is open NOW!