
Play it Again, Elise
February 26, 2015

I just got in from the supermarket, and finished unloading the multitudinous bags of groceries. We’re down to five people from our all-time high of eight in the house, and yet we manage to consume the same amount of food as ever! And one of the five only has three teeth! But there is something different about these modern-day shopping excursions. I now bring my own bags to the store. You can’t imagine what an adjustment it has been to keep the bags in the trunk of the car, after so many years of bagging everything in plastic. I feel positively green, and I have Sher and Yaj to thank for the transformation. They are demon recyclers and environment protectors, and I have been shamed into following suit. Not only that, we now compost! Eggshells and onion peelings now go out to a heap in the yard, and Sheridan is threatening to start growing some of our vegetables come spring. Who is this family?

My recycling is extending to my work at church. I keep a file of my children’s sermons, and several times lately I have pulled out, and used, something from 2009. Wondrously, no one seems to remember that I have told these tales  before (most of the kids were tiny babies back then anyway, and the sermons themselves do not exactly rival Billy Graham’s.) Last weekend I was the chaplain for the Southeastern PA Lutheran synod’s senior high youth gathering. One of my duties was to assemble a prayer center for the kids to go through, and guess what? I lifted every single station from the Christ’s Lutheran prayer centers I have designed in years past. It’s Lent now, and for our Wednesday night programs we are following the Stations of the Cross using videos I made in 2007. Why use something that took a lot of work, just once?

“Waste not, want not” was not exactly the Cunningham motto when I was growing up. I have no memory of eating leftovers, we never drove used cars, and my sisters and I didn’t share clothes much (probably because by the time C came along we had misplaced everything wearable). Mom drank her daily 20 cups of tea out of plastic, throw-away “cozy cups” and I recall the piles of used cups all over the house. So I come by my ignorance of salvaging naturally.

However, as I have discovered, it’s never too late to learn better habits. I find myself thinking often about the world our Aiden will live in, a world we humans have done a pretty fair job of messing up in every way.  At times it seems there is little we can individually do to improve the state of things. But re-using, re-purposing, and sharing the items in our lives can really make a difference.

So I am trying to “play it again” as often as I can. And nowadays, it feels pretty good, when people ask me “what’s new?” to say “not much.”


    I am an author (of five books, numerous plays, poetry and freelance articles,) a retired director (of Spiritual Formation at a Lutheran church,) and a producer (of five kids).

    I write about my hectic, funny, perfectly imperfect life.

    Please visit my website: or email me at



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