Midway Assembly of God will host its annual Vacation Bible School at 6:45 p.m., Monday, June 25 to Friday, June 29. All children ages 4 through early teens are welcome.
Over the past 30 years, Midway Assembly of God has hosted themed vacation Bible schools that provide thrilling atmosphere and fun settings in which children hear stories, sing songs and learn important lessons from the Bible. In 2017, 90 children participated; most of them attended every night of the Bible school. VBS includes nightly themes that help children develop personal relationships with God. These themes are presented through stories, dramas, Bible verses, videos, songs, games, and crafts.
This year's theme is Shipwrecked – it takes children on an adventure to a tropical island complete with treehouse, waterfalls, volcano and hundreds of decorations. The experience includes live dramas, enactments of Bible stories, videos, and interactive activities to teach important truths. Midway Pastor Gary Ross said, "We do our best to create a setting that is not only a lot of fun, but also allows the children to use their imagination to learn important lessons that will help them in life. Due to this year's theme, the children may even learn a little Spanish."
The activities each evening begin with an interactive time for music that includes guitars, drums, and singers who get the children fully involved. The children are placed in age-appropriate groups, supervised by several adults, and then each group moves to different rooms where they participate in either a story time with drama, crafts, games, or video and snacks. The Vacation Bible School staff includes over 40 adults who supervise all activities and provide support to the teaching and ministry staff. All parents are welcome to observe all classes and activities. All Vacation Bible School staff have completed a full professional background check performed by a licensed company that includes local, state, and federal research.
There are no charges for Vacation Bible School. An offering is received each evening, and all proceeds are used to fund next year's Bible School. Midway Assembly of God is on Route 1 and Old Postal Lane, near Bob Evans Restaurant. To register children 4 and older, go to www.MidwayAssemblyofGod.com, call the church at 302-645-9643 or sign up at the door every night.