Orator to recite speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Feb. 17
The Episcopal Parish of All Saints’ Church & St. George’s Chapel invites the community to hear speeches of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. presented live during sermon time by renowned orator the Rev. Dr. John G. Moore Sr. at the 9:30 a.m. service Sunday, Feb. 17, at St. George’s Chapel, 20274 Beaver Dam Road (Route 23), Harbeson.
A military retiree and vice president of resource, development and strategic partnerships for the United Way of Delaware, Moore created "The Echoes of a Prophet" to help keep King's dream alive. For more than 20 years, he has delivered his dramatic presentations to schools, colleges, youth correctional facilities and organizational gatherings throughout the country, as well as in Germany, Japan and South Korea. In January and February alone, he averages between 30 and 40 speaking engagements.
During Moore's presentation, he recites portions of some of King's most inspirational speeches completely from memory, including "I Have a Dream," "The Drum Major Instinct" and "I've Been to the Mountaintop." He has precisely studied every voice inflection and intonation of Dr. King, and his live re-enactment is very moving. "The message of King is so powerful and is still relevant today. He can inspire all races and all faiths," said Moore.
For more information, call 302-227-7202 or go to www.allsaintsandstgeorges.org.