Stephen Ministry virtual information session set Nov. 9
The Stephen Ministry team at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church in Lewes will hold a virtual information meeting for those who would like to learn about the program. The session will be held at 7 p.m., Monday, Nov. 9, via Zoom. Stephen Ministry provides one-on-one support to people who are facing significant life challenges.
The session is targeted toward training St. Peter’s parishioners who would be ministering to fellow congregation members, but it is open to any Stephen Ministry-affiliated church members who want to learn about this remarkable, internationally recognized program. As a parish with a strong culture of loving concern for one another and the world, St. Peter’s has the strongest program among the Episcopal parishes of Delaware. Over the past six years, 31 people have taken part in this program at St. Peter’s. Participants have found it to be a truly meaningful form of service with training that is deeply rewarding both in lay ministry and in their personal lives.
There is no commitment involved in attending the meetings. Only after people complete the actual training program will they be asked if they wish to participate as commissioned Stephen Ministers.
For more information and to receive a Zoom link, email