Faith Climate Action Week planning tools available
This is the time of the year when many people think of their families and pray for a beautiful future for all. Interfaith Power & Light invites everyone to join in safeguarding a thriving Earth for future generations during Faith Climate Action Week April 22 to May 1. Kits will be available in January for planning activities.
Faith Climate Action Week is IPL’s annual program of climate-themed worship services, sermons and resources that spans 10 days of activities in celebration of Earth Month. This is IPL’s premier event to create a mass movement of people of faith preaching, teaching and acting to heal the climate.
The theme of 2022’s Faith Climate Action Week is Sacred Trust: Our children’s right to a livable future. Participants will examine their responsibility to safeguard the Earth for future generations, and how all faiths call people to respond with bold and just solutions to climate change.
Kits include a Sacred Trust guide with information on intergenerational climate justice and the moral and legal rights of today’s children and grandchildren to a livable climate. There are also suggestions and resources for how to get engaged in supporting local climate justice action, and a call for art created by youth and children that envisions a positive future for the Earth through the #ImagineIPL campaign. Also included are faith-based discussion materials, suggested short films, and a Youth and Children Blessing ceremony.
Faith Climate Action Week 2022 offerings also include resources for sermons, talks, worship services, a film screening kit for the featured film, “Youth v Gov,” and more. IPL invites everyone to plan ahead to work toward safeguarding a thriving Earth for future generations and for Earth Day celebrations in 2022.
Shweta Arya, executive director of Delaware Interfaith Power and Light, the local IPL affiliate, said, "DeIPL is excited about 2022 IPL Faith Climate Action Week April 22-May 1 in celebration of Earth Month. We will be participating by sharing climate-themed sermons with our congregations, and encouraging youth to participate in the #ImagineIPL Campaign by submitting artwork that envisions a positive future for our common home. We are also looking forward to coordinating with interfaith groups in Delaware to organize an Interfaith Climate Action Day; the tentative date is May 1. Follow us on Facebook @Deipl or subscribe to our newsletter to stay tuned."
For details on Delaware Interfaith Power and Light and its Climate Conversations program, contact Arya at or 614-216-3744.
For more information on Delaware’s Climate Action Plan, go to or email