Are you interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church and St. Peter’s? Do you
have questions about our worship? Are you curious about our approach to Holy
Scripture? Would you like to learn more about the common life of our congregation? Do
you seek to learn more about your faith and deepen your spiritual life?
Whether you are new to St. Peter’s, new to the Episcopal Church, or have been a part
of our worshipping community for a long time and have some questions, this program is for you.
Please join us in 2025 for one of our 4-session programs that will cover these and many
more topics.
We will offer this program in-person and online two times this winter and spring. If you
are interested in being received into the Episcopal Church, this program will help to
prepare you for the Bishop’s visit in May.
“Welcome to the Episcopal Church” (online and in-person in the conference room):
Wednesdays 1-2:30 PM
February 5, 12, 19, 26
April 23, 30 and May 7, 14
Visit our website to learn more about St. Peter’s. Click here to sign up for the Inquirer’s Class.