
Crisis House in Georgetown gets new garden

May 28, 2019

An active member of St. George's Chapel west of Lewes, Carol Wells learned the Crisis House wanted to create a community garden in the open lot next to its Railroad Avenue home in Georgetown.

To fund the project, she amassed donations totaling more than $3,000. 

Wells gathered a cadre of volunteers including a master gardener who built four 4-by-8-foot aboveground planting box beds May 13. During the next few days, other volunteers hauled in enough planting soil to fill the boxes. On May 18, volunteers planted garden crops to help improve the lives of the people at Crisis House.

In this short period of time, Wells’ vision of this ongoing project has been successful. Soon, tomatoes, peppers, squash, beans, herbs and other homegrown crops will be available to provide fresh, healthy produce to feed these Georgetown residents.

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