
Delaware needs a medical school

February 28, 2025

I am writing about the article titled, "Sussex, state leaders push for med school." I wanted to start off by saying I completely agree with the points made in the article. I agree there should be a medical school in Sussex County because Delaware is one of the three states that does not have a medical school. Even though Delaware is one of the smallest states, I think it is necessary that it has a medical school. Rhode Island is the smallest state, but it still has a medical school.

Another reason I think that there should be a medical school is because there is an acute shortage of primary care physicians. Healthcare is the backbone for any community. Healthcare should be accessible to everyone, and a shortage of workers should not be an issue interfering with that. Ultimately, I think more money should be invested into working toward building and getting a medical school in Sussex County. This issue is a constantly growing problem, and it’s best to get working toward it now rather than later. If more money cannot be allocated into building one right away, another solution could just be trying to bring more attention to the issue. People can bring attention by urging lawmakers and universities to help raise awareness to the problem.

Carlos Hernandez
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