
Family workshops start July 11 at Inland Bays Garden Center

July 4, 2023

The Delaware Center for the Inland Bays and the Inland Bays Garden Center will host a series of fun, interactive programs that focus on critters people can find in and around their own gardens. Each program will include a take-home project to help people apply their new knowledge and skills in the familiar setting of home.

These family workshops are appropriate for participants ages 5 to 12, and take place from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesdays, at the garden center, 38320 Muddy Neck Road, Frankford.

Magnificent Monarchs is the July 11 topic. Participants will learn about how butterflies and moths are different, and why many people easily confuse the two. Attendees will closely examine the monarch butterfly and learn what makes it a magnificent visitor to any garden.

Who Is Hiding in Plain Sight is set for July 18. Horseshoe crabs, turtles and toads are all masters of disguise. Participants will learn about how these animals use camouflage, and then play a game to test their camouflage detection skills.

Feeder Frenzy will be held July 25. Attendees will learn about how birds help disperse seeds, pollinate plants and more. Guests will explore the garden center searching for different types of birds and some of their favorite snacks, like caterpillars.

To register, go to the Delaware Center for the Inland Bays website at

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