
Five Points group votes down railroad-to-road idea

July 30, 2018

The controversial idea to convert the right of way for the decommissioned railroad from Cool Spring to Lewes into a roadway was voted down 9-3 by the Five Points Working Group at its July 30 meeting at Beacon Middle School. 

Christian Hudson, DJ Hughes and Keller Hopkins voted in favor. 

It was the second consecutive Monday the 16-member panel spent voting on the 103 ideas it developed over the last several months that aim to improve traffic and safety of the Five Points intersection and the surrounding area. The group voted on 49 ideas at its July 23 meeting, of which 36 will become recommendations to the Department of Transportation. 

A large crowd attended the last three meetings of the working group, most in opposition of the railroad-to-road proposal. 

A petition against the idea was signed by more than 1,200 people prior to the July 30 meeting. 

Read a full story in the Friday, Aug. 3 edition. 

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