Why do District 3 residents keep electing career politicians like Mark Schaeffer who favor and promote development rather than improving the residents’ quality of life? We all have heard the phrase, insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
During every political campaign, the question is asked, are you better off than you were four years ago? In District 3, that question should be, is your quality of life better than it was four years ago? Ask yourself, has electing developer-friendly councils for 20 years improved your quality of life? In 2020, Mark Schaeffer said he would reduce sprawl, traffic congestion and save open space.
Have traffic congestion and road safety gotten better? During Schaeffer’s term, they’ve gotten worse and more widespread.
Has sprawl been reduced? During Schaeffer’s term, it has increased as thousands of acres of trees and open space have disappeared.
Have our rivers and streams become less polluted? None can be used for swimming and you can’t fish or crab due to pollution primarily caused by overdevelopment.
Has infrastructure kept pace with development? During Schaeffer’s term, the construction of critically needed infrastructure continues to fall further behind the pace of development.
Why is this happening? Who is responsible? Mark Schaeffer and Sussex County Council. County council is solely responsible for all development that happens in Sussex County. While the planning & zoning commission approves some development, county council appoints commissioners and makes the rules, then the commission just applies those rules. They simply reflect the council’s vision, or lack thereof.
Enough is enough! Stop making the same mistake. The voters in Districts 1 and 2 did. They voted in September to remove development-friendly incumbents. Now the voters in District 3 must seal the deal. Jane Gruenebaum will put Sussex residents first. Jane will work to restore a proper balance between growth and the environment, between developers’ financial motivations and residents’ quality of life. Jane will work to revise the outdated regulations that favor developers and to create a vision of the county’s future where growth, the environment and quality of life are in harmony. If we don’t change course, the damage will be irreversible.
The time is now. Districts 1 and 2 have laid the foundation for real change to happen on county council. The voters of District 3 must finish the job!
Vote for Jane Gruenebaum for Sussex County Council District 3 Tuesday, Nov. 5.