Sussex County Master Gardeners will host A Day in the Garden from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m., Saturday, June 24. All are welcome to tour at their own pace the 32 specialty gardens in the one-acre Demonstration Garden behind the University of Delaware’s Elbert N. And Ann V. Carvel Research and Education Center on Route 9 west of Georgetown.
The specialty gardens feature all sorts of plants that grow in Delaware, including azaleas, hydrangeas, herbs, small fruit trees and shrubs, vegetables and ground covers. Attendees can look for caterpillars and butterflies in the butterfly garden or explore the newly established meadow garden. Pollinators abound in the mixed border garden, and goldfish in a small fish pond both provide beautiful photo ops.
Master Gardeners will provide a wealth of information in workshops, demonstrations and one-on-one conversations. For those new to Delaware, there’s a special workshop with Susan Trone and Maggie McLaughlin. Michele Walfred will share information on how to successfully grow, prune and propagate hydrangeas. Learn to make salsa with Ana Dittel or how to grow ground covers with Gainor Urian. Make a log and succulent centerpiece with Mary Noel (limited to 20 participants) or learn about beekeeping from Jim Hopkins.
Visitors can bring their gardening questions, unidentified bugs, and samples or photos of sick plants to the Ask an Expert table for advice from Brian Kunkel, Megan Pleasanton and Tracy Wootten, and compare invasive plants now banned from sale or exchange by the state with alternatives they can safely grow instead.
Youngsters can join a butterfly scavenger hunt from 10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Children and adults can create a take-home mobile sun-catcher from CDs using paint, jewels and buttons.
Master Gardener puppeteers will present “The Misadventures of Peter Rabbit in Farmer McGregor’s Garden” at 11 a.m. The award-winning educational show, loosely based on the Beatrix Potter story, encourages children and adults in the audience to participate.
The plant sale in the grove near the entrance will offer attendees lots of native plants and other annuals, perennials, ferns, shrubs and even trees lovingly propagated by Master Gardeners. Profits from the sale help support Master Gardener programs and the Demonstration Garden.
The event will be held rain or shine. For a complete schedule of the day’s events, visit or call 302-856-7303.