Milton Village proposed at Route 16-Route 30 intersection
State planners are currently reviewing plans for another Milton-area project.
At the Office of State Planning Coordination’s Preliminary Land Use Service meeting March 23, developer Ventures LLC of Wilmington presented plans for Milton Village, a 208-acre, mixed-use residential and commercial complex with medical offices and an assisted-living facility at the intersection of Route 16 (Milton-Ellendale Highway) and Route 30 (Gravel Hill Road). The property is located outside Milton town limits.
The proposed project would include 277 single-family lots, 296 rental units and 123 duplexes/townhouses for a total of 696 residential units. Also proposed is a commercial area adjacent to Route 16.
The parcel is located in three zoning districts – AR-1, agricultural-residential; C-1, commercial; and HR, high-density residential.
According to the developer's application, at build out, the project would generate more than 18,000 daily vehicle trips. On the plan, access points are shown on Route 16 and Route 30. The plan shows 20 acres of open space, sidewalks, a pool and clubhouse, and bike paths.
The state agencies will provide comments on the proposed project to the developer, and the developer will then have an opportunity to respond to the comments. Following that process, the developer can proceed to file applications with the Sussex County Planning & Zoning Office.
The project is one of several planned in the Milton area. Those include:
The Granary at Draper Farm on 450 acres along Sand Hill Road with 1,350 housing units, 60,000 square feet of commercial space, a working granary, 55 acres of parkland to be dedicated to the town, biking and walking trails and a tunnel under Sand Hill Road for a future trail connection. If approved, the project would develop over a 20-year period.
Milton Attainable Housing LLC on 26 acres along Route 16 and Country Road on the east side of Milton with 240 housing units and five acres of commercial space.
The two parcels have been annexed into town limits.
Seeking annexation is Scarlet Oaks with 163 housing units on a 50-acre parcel along Harbeson Road across from Mariner Middle School.
If all projects are approved and constructed, the population of Milton will more than double. The three projects are proposing more than 1,700 housing units. According to the U.S. Census, there are just over 3,100 households in Milton with a population of 3,189, which has increased 24 percent over the past decade.
Assuming there are two persons per household in the new communities, the population over the next 20 years would increase to 6,572.
See the PLUS presentation at: