Devon Harpster wanted to know what brand of microwave popcorn has the least amount of unpopped kernels. During her tasty experiments, she found the Great Value brand was not only the cheapest, but also had the most popped kernels. ELLEN DRISCOLL PHOTOS
Ellen Driscoll
May 22, 2023
Popcorn, plants, softball bats, air pressure and heart rates were just some of the topics explored by Rehoboth Elementary students, who unveiled their science fair projects to friends and family May 5.
Liya Liu found that chargers with medium-length cords charge fastest.
Chance Gunter was surprised to learn that heart rates while playing sports were higher at five minutes into the activity and actually went down at 10 minutes in.
Emily Stephens correctly hypothesized that composite softball bats would hit balls the farthest because they are lighter than aluminum or wooden bats.
By measuring kicks made with footballs set at certain pressures, Grove Thompson found that balls measured at 15 PSI go the farthest.
Sage McMahon found that plants grew faster during a seven-week period when spoken to by the teacher with the softest voice – her mother, Tiffany McMahon.