Traffic-impact study holds up Mitchell Farm hearings
Discussion over a traffic-impact study has resulted in a developer asking to withdraw five applications for proposed projects along Kings Highway and Gills Neck Road near Lewes from the Thursday, March 12 Sussex County Planning and Zoning agenda.
In a March 2 letter to the planning and zoning department, David Hutt, the developer's attorney, requested the removal because his client is still in discussions with Delaware Department of Transportation officials.
“In order for the applicant, the planning and zoning commission and the public to have time to fully consider the application with all of the materials, more time is necessary,” he wrote.
Acting Sussex County Planning and Zoning Director Jamie Whitehouse said the applications could be readvertised in June or July for new public hearing dates.
Although the agenda for the March 12 meeting will not be posted until late afternoon Thursday, March 5, it's expected the planning and zoning commission will approve the request to remove the applications.
Mitchell Family LLC has filed the following applications:
• A standard subdivision to divide 48 acres into five lots on the southeast side of Kings Highway.
• A conditional use for 209 units of multifamily housing and a rezoning from AR-1, agricultural-residential, to MR, medium-density residential, on a 30-acre parcel on the southeast side of Kings Highway and the north side of Gills Neck Road.
• A rezoning from AR-1 to C-3, heavy commercial district, for 12 acres on the southeast side of Kings Highway.
• A rezoning from AR-1 to B-2, business community district, for a 5-acre parcel on the north side of Gills Neck Road.
The overall plan calls for six, two-story office buildings totaling 206,000 square feet, 35 single-family homes, 78 townhouses and 96 apartments. One of the six buildings, Cape Henlopen Medical Center, has been constructed and is open for business.
Resident Jay Tomlinson has spearheaded an effort to create a website to inform residents of proposed development in the area. The grassroots group Citizens for Responsible Kings Highway Development is asking county officials not to approve any new development until DelDOT has addressed existing and future traffic issues along Kings Highway.
The group is asking county officials to reduce the total number of units and increase open space. The group is also asking residents to lobby officials to speed up the proposed dualization project to expand Kings Highway to four lanes. The project is not scheduled until after 2028.
For more information on the group, go to: