Milton council sets public hearing on Scarlet Oaks annexation
Milton Town Council will hold a public hearing Monday, Nov. 6, on the proposed annexation of 50 acres on Route 5 across from Mariner Middle School that would then be developed into a 163-unit residential development called Scarlet Oaks.
At its Oct. 9 meeting, council voted to accept an advisory report from the planning and zoning commission recommending approval of the proposed zoning for the parcel, R-1 residential with a large-parcel development overlay.
The annexation was previously recommended by the town’s special review committee in June 2022, with the committee finding the parcel would provide increased revenues through taxes and fees, add services that would sustain public works and give the town control over future development. The committee also noted the annexation is within the town’s future growth area, and it can be served by existing water, fire, wastewater and police services. The only disadvantages are that the proposal has no connecting bicycle or pedestrian paths to the town center and no provision for affordable housing within the proposed design.
The annexation was to be given final approval by council in July 2022 before the town became aware of litigation between land owners. Once those legal issues were resolved, the application was picked up again.
The proposed development would comprise single-family attached and detached homes, and also have a clubhouse and recreation area with walking paths through the development. Buffers are planned along Harbeson Road and Shingle Point Road. The large-parcel development overlay allows for flexibility in terms of home design, setbacks, pedestrian access and potential light commercial uses – no commercial uses are proposed.
If annexation is approved, developer Ribera Development and property owner The Company Store LLC can move forward with preliminary site-plan review with planning and zoning.