Worcester Prep field trip spotlights media broadcasting careers

Taking part in a new career exploration program designed to introduce them to opportunities within the community and beyond, a group of Worcester Prep high school students recently visited WBOC-TV studios in Salisbury, Md.
Combining academic preparation with real-world observation, the program features a speaker series, site visits to area businesses, and opportunities to shadow local professionals across various industries.
At WBOC, students learned about the news media industry by reviewing production procedures, discussing on-air responsibilities, and participating in a question-and-answer session with studio team members. Students were also able to practice delivering weather reports in front of the green screen. Organizers extend thanks to Steve Hammond and the entire WBOC team for hosting the WPS students.
Worcester Prep students stand on set behind the WBOC news team. Shown are in back (l-r) Stephen Carullo, Ocean City, Md.; Grant Crothers, Frankford; Marina Farlow, Berlin, Md.; Livi Owens, Pittsville, Md.; Renata Lovitt, Berlin; Rori Holland, Ocean City; Avery Roselle, Rehoboth Beach; Frankie Miller, Millsboro; and Briar Parsons, Ocean Pines, Md. In front are Jacqueline Karli WBOC broadcast journalist; Steve Hammond, WBOC managing editor and veteran journalist; and Mike Lichniak, WBOC meteorologist. SUBMITTED PHOTO