Milton planners table Dairy Queen application
The Milton Planning and Zoning Commission tabled a preliminary site plan application for Dairy Queen to build a new franchise on Route 16 in front of the Cypress Grove housing development.
At a Jan. 21 public hearing, the commission members agreed that they could not move forward on the application until Dairy Queen representatives provided additional information on lighting plans and depictions of water and sewer lines.
Commissioner Jeff Seemans raised additional concerns about the location of the loading area as depicted in the plans, which would be located right in the middle of the drive aisle between Dairy Queen and its neighbor, Dunkin Donuts.
The planned Dairy Queen would be a 2,100-square-foot restaurant with a drive-thru and 32 parking spaces. Dairy Queen is also asking for three signs: a pylon sign with a reader board in front of the property and signs on the front and side facade of the building. The total square footage of the signs – 175.28 square feet – is more than the allowed 66 square feet.
Dairy Queen is due to go before the board of adjustment Tuesday, Jan. 28, for a variance for the signs. The sign variance was not a factor in the planning commission’s decision to table the application, as Town Solicitor Seth Thompson advised the commission they could vote on the matter conditional on the board of adjustment granting a variance.
However, the commission decided to table the application, yet leave the public record open to allow for Dairy Queen to revise its plans and provide additional information. Milton code requires the board to make a decision on a preliminary site plan application 30 days after closing a public hearing. By leaving the record open, the commission is giving Dairy Queen additional time to make changes. The commission could resume discussion on the application as soon as its next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 18.